10月24日 王亚光:Study of Boundary Layers


讲座题目:Study of Boundary Layers主讲人:王亚光教授主持人:开始时间:2014-10-24 15:00讲座地址:闵行校区数学楼 102 报告厅 主办单位:


  王亚光,男,上海交通大学特聘教授、博士生导师,1992年在复旦大学获得博士学位(导师是陈恕行院士)。现任上海交通大学研究生院常务副院长、学位办公室主任。他是国际知名的研究高维双曲型方程组,以及边界层方程等流体力学中偏微分方程问题的专家,其最近的关于边界层方程的论文已在《Journal of American Mathematical Society》发表。曾获得上海市高校优秀青年教师奖、教育部首届青年教师奖等,2004年入选为国家新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选


In this talk, we shall review our recent work on the mathematical theory of the Prandtl boundary layers. The well-posedness of the three dimensional Prandtl equations is studied under some constraint on its flow structure. It reveals that the classical Burgers equation plays an important role in determining this type of flow with special structure, which avoids the appearance of the complicated secondary flow in the three-dimensional Prandtl boundary layer. Meanwhile, we shall also address a recent progress on boundary layers in the non-isentropic compressible flows when both of viscosity and heat conduction coefficients go to zero. This is the joint work with Cheng-Jie Liu and Tong Yang.